Angels And Demons
We cannot go through life without being hurt by others, so we should learn to forgive. Even more, we should practice demonstrating our forgiveness by our acts of lovingkindness. Look for opportunities to do both.
The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk,
It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.
But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect,
But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
And Jesus said to them, The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, for they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
2009 Citation:Physicists Scrutinize Antimatter in Angels & Demons (2009, May 19)retrieved 31 March 2023from -05-physicists-scrutinize-antimatter-angels-demons.html This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only. Explore further
Dear Jeffrey, nice post. I do believe the kings mentioned in Dan. 10:13 are just human kings, and in this case the kings of Medo-Persia. It does not fit the context that suddenly these kings are also fallen angels. Gabriel keeps talking about princes, and chief princes, several times, why suddenly kings Because part of the responsibility assigned to these good angels is to support and protect the kings; Gabriel was strengthening and protecting Darius the king as seen in Dan. 11:1
So here Gabriel is clearly talking about earthly kings. And we know Cyrus was also raised up to do Gods will. So surely they are being strengthened and guided somehow by the good angels, probably Gabriel.
So we can see that it looks like God also has his good angels over countries and kingdoms working to do His will, and protecting and strengthening kings and the people. So it looks like Gabriel was assigned to be with the kings of Medo-Persia, to strengthen and protect them. Then when Daniel prayed for 21 days, the same Gabriel was sent to give him the message, but he could not get through, so Michael came to help. Gabriel gave the message and then went back to continue his job with the human kings.
No, not really, Jesus is talking about how us, the sons of God in resurrection will not marry, and will not die anymore. So the whole argument of the Sadducees about marriage in the resurrection is completely invalid. Now Jesus adds that the condition of the sons of God in resurrection not marrying and not dying is similar to how angels are.
Luke 20:35,36 But those who are counted worthy to obtain that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage; For neither can they die anymore, for they are equal to angels, and they are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
I've always been fascinated by the idea of the war in Heaven. As a storyteller, the eternal struggle between angels and demons fighting for the fate of creation has been a source of perpetual inspiration for me. But finding stories about angels that aren't YA or paranormal romance can be challenging. So, channeling my love of historical fiction and action-packed adventure, I set out to craft a thrilling, realistic tale that puts the reader right on the front lines beside a peaceful angel forced into becoming a warrior fighting against his former brothers. This list reflects my favorite books that paved the way and inspired my own work.
Anne Rice was one of my first favorite authors and a major inspiration in my wanting to become a writer. While not as well-known as other entries in her incredible Vampire Chronicles series, Memnoch is my personal favorite. Continuing her iconic style of sympathizing with the supernatural through first-person narrative, this is the first time Rice introduced a classic religious figure into her vampire mythos and gave us a brilliant, unique take on Heaven and Hell, angels, demons, and the eternal conflict between God and the devil. This book was truly foundational for me in creating my own voice and character dynamics for The Sabrael Confession.
Frank Peretti's This Present Darkness is the book that's most often mentioned to me when I tell people what my novel's about. I didn't have the pleasure of reading it until after my book was done, and I'm glad, because it's so good it probably would've influenced me too much. The beautiful and sometimes terrifying story of angels fighting demons in Ashton shares a lot of DNA with The Sabrael Confession. A covert group of angels protecting from the shadows. Fallen angels manipulating human affairs. Thrilling battles between them. It's everything I wanted my own novel to be, and the success of this masterpiece showed me there was an audience for this type of story and gave me the courage to publish mine.
One of the key references I used in writing The Sabrael Confession, this book is a comprehensive list of all the named angels throughout history, good or bad, complete with their rank in the angelic host and all mentions of them across the world's religions. My copy looks like it's been through a war with dog-eared pages, sticky notes protruding from the sides, and little scribbles in the margins. Whenever I needed a new angel in my book, I scoured this amazing resource to find the perfect fit. All my fallen angels are fallen angels found here. All my good angels are listed here. It's a truly fascinating read, and does well to point out inconsistencies where an angel has been listed as good by some, evil by others.
Gustav Davidson's classic text, A dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels, is the result of sixteen years of research in Talmudic, gnostic, cabalistic, apocalyptic, patristic, and legendary texts. The classic reference work on angels is beautifully illustrated and its reissue coincides with the resurgence of belief in angels in America. This well researched and exquisitely illustrated dictionary is a wonderful collectable for all those who believe in angels, miracles, lore, and faith.ExploreBooks like A Dictionary of AngelsBook lists with this bookWhy do people like this bookTopicsAngelsFallen angelsDemonsGnosticismGenresComing soon!PreviewBookshop.orgAmazonThe War in Heaven: The Chronicle of Abaddon the Destroyer (Tears of Heaven)ByKenneth Zeigler,
This is actually the second book of Zeigler's Tears of Heaven series, but I read this one first and it stands perfectly on its own. There's so much I love about it, from the concept of rebel dark angels working to overthrow Satan with the help and ingenuity of human scientists and soldiers they rescue from Hell's torments to Zeigler's masterful world-building based on scripture and classic depictions of Hell. He pulls no punches in vividly describing the agonies of damnation. But it's his clever use of scientific principles to explain Hell's supernatural rules as well as arm his protagonists that truly stands out for me. I strove to achieve that level of logic in my book, but Zeigler manages to weaponize it as only a trained scientist could.
The OT further brags that all good and evil, day and night, war and peace, birth and death, etc. were created by Yahweh. However, the NT blames all the evil or bad things to an evil spirit called Devil or Satan that was cursed to be the leader of demons.
These info indicate that both of the concepts of demon-possession and archenemy of Yahweh were new concepts that the NT writers adopted from other cultures. However, the idea of cursing or labelling other peoples and their Gods and angels as evil was obvious since Exodus, except that was remained within the nation of ancient Israel/Judah. However, with the birth of Christianity, it has become a global and evil battle since the last two thousand years.
Warrior Nun introduces a world of angels and demons using Earth as a battleground, but could these strange creatures actually be aliens from another dimension The Netflix show is based on a series of comic books where Heaven and Hell really do exist, but the adaptation has already taken many liberties with the source material. Moreover, Warrior Nun season 1 lays a lot of groundwork to suggest that angels and demons aren't what they seem.
The idea of gods and angels actually being creatures from outer space or another dimension isn't new. It's the premise of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's version of Thor, in which the Asgardians were actually alien beings who visited Earth and were mythologized as the Norse gods. The crossover genre of science-fantasy has played around a lot with the idea that things thought of as magical are actually just highly advanced technology.
Thanks to the presence of genius scientist Jillian Salvius, Warrior Nun season 1 literally puts the divine under a microscope in an effort to understand the science behind it. And with the finale already bringing with it a big twist that upends the Order's mythology, Warrior Nun season 2 could take things a step further by revealing that the angels and demons aren't holy and unholy beings, but something else entirely. 59ce067264